Week 9 (8 Apr 2019 -12 Apr 2019)
On 9 April 2019, some students are having problem on the title registration, including me and other two friends under Dr Jawad. We just got this list from our FYP coordinator, it stated that the three of us did not register our FYP title yet. Then we meet Dr Jawad to double confirm if he had register it. After that we meet with our FYP coordinator to clarify this matter.
Figure 1: 56 FYP 1 Students that not Register FYP Title
On 10 April 2019, a lecturer has giving a lecture or workshop on Methodology (Chapter 3), Preliminary Result (Chapter 4) and Abstract Writing. The two hours lecture is held at TTL2.
The Content of Methodology
- Block Diagram
- Flowchart
- Schematic Diagram
- Simulation Software
- Plan layout
- List of Components/Equipment
- Cost Estimation
- Gant Chart
The Content of Preliminary Result
The result may be on testing, simulation or project performance. FYP 1 students do not have to shows overall result. One of these criteria also acceptable enough to make preliminary result.
On 11 April 2019, a problem occur on my project title so I need to meet my supervisor to overcome this problem. As my supervisor clicked on it, the content of my project description is totally different, It seems like it belongs to someone else's project description. So my supervisor asked me to meet my coordinator personally. Upon this problem, I meet my FYP 1 coordinator, Dr Imran to solve the problem. He asked all my project details and registered back my project.
As a conclusion, I need to start doing on Methodolody and Preliminary Result soon. Also my project title can be opened successfully and no problem occurs again.
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