Week 10 (15 Apr 2019 - 19 Apr 2019)

On 17 Apr 2019 my friends and I meet Dr Jawad to check on my content of Chapter 1. So I print out one copy to him to check my content and mark it easily. I also starts doing my Methodology Chapter 3 this week and make some finding on the Internet.


In Chapter 3, the materials and methods will be describes in the project. This chapter covers about block diagram, flowchart of project, the software and list of component, the gant chart and cost estimation this project. This chapter will details more about each and every component’s function in this project. Plus, a short brief about the materials used in this project also help to develop the project besides identify what is the pro and cons about the materials.

Block Diagram



I get so many grammatical and tenses error during checking on Chapter 1. I mix up present and past tenses so Dr Jawad asked me to do some correction. I also able to complete half of Chapter 3 during this week.


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