Week 12 (29 Apr 2019 - 3 May 2019)

On 2 May 2019, I meet Dr Jawad at RPR Lab to check on my report and slide. I also had problem to produce preliminary result. I have an example coding to run my pulse sensor and check its functionality.

The project circuit is been constructed on the board. I place my fingertip on the pulse sensor.

The result of heart beat. Normal heart beat is above 60 BPM, so the range in the figure is 63 - 66 BPM. The heart beat is displayed on serial monitor from Arduino software.

On 3 May 2019, the lecture topics are Final FYP 1 Briefing on FYP Proposal Defense Day (Tips and Tricks) and Submission of Progress Report and Proposal Report. The two hours lecture at TTL 2 is given for the students as preparation and tips to present their proposal next week. The list of assessors has came out, as each student get assessed by two lecturers (assessors). My assessors are Dr Mohd Zaki and Madam Azliza.


For preliminary result, the pulse sensor has works successfully and display the heart beat. All part that need to be present next week has to settle down and get physically and mentally ready.


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